A white cute robot interacting with a user over internet, typing responses on keyboard

The Role of Chatbots in Streamlining Business Operations with ChatGPT

13 Min Read
The Role of Chatbots in Streamlining Business Operations with ChatGPT

The AI-powered ChatGPT has arrived to introduce a radical shift in our lives is trite information now. We have already moved on to finding the most innovative uses of the AI tool in our lives. If we were to chip in two cents on the subject, we’d say that the results aren’t disappointing. 

Last week Alex, a high school student in the Ivy League, took ChatGPT’s help to navigate low self-esteem issues at college. Mark, a delivery boy who’s also a music aficionado, asked AI for ten music recommendations. He says the recommendations were better than Spotify. The jury is still out on this one, we’ll let you know. One other blogger on Medium wrote about how ChatGPT made her a nutrition chart and the other talked about ChatGPT helps them learn a new language. Within 6 months we have tried everything and our concept of everything keeps expanding everyday in the AI-driven world. 

Almost everyday, there’s a new article on yet another new use of the ChatGPT in everyday life. 

Businesses are not far behind on this quest either. Since its release in November 2022, thousands of businesses and business professionals have used the AI-based tool. Recent surveys are suggesting that almost half the businesses in the USA alone have adopted AI’s assistance in everyday jobs even.

In the world of business too, there have been varied uses of AI-getting ideas, copies, SEO-related insights or even automating customer service, businesses on several levels are experimenting with AI. Since ChatGPT itself is in a chatbot-type interface, it is natural for you to ask if ChatGPT can itself become a chatbot. 

A few businesses have already tried ChatGPT for its 24*7  customer service and its ability to collect and analyze feedback almost immediately. However, in this blog, we are going to explore in detail if ChatGPT really is a feasible option for businesses to streamline operations in the form of a chatbot. 

Benefits of ChatGPT as a Chatbot for Businesses

The very obvious advantages of ChatGPT like enhanced accuracy, task allocation, increased productivity and broad capability are already making CEOs and leaders across industries take a careful look at the new options of the AI tool as an equipment in their business. 

Here are a few evident advantages of ChatGPT as a chatbot for businesses: 

  • ChatGPT Understands Language

One of the prime reasons ChatGPT is gaining immense popularity is that it understands natural language. It doesn’t require you to ask questions in a specific set of words to understand your real question. In several cases, it doesn’t even require a full-blown working knowledge of the English language to answer your questions. This allows for a bigger space to ask and receive answers from the tool for all kinds of customers, no matter their demographics. It’s just this ability to garner a wide set of audience that makes it a great fit to interact with customers. 

  • Use It in a Thousand Ways

When it comes to interacting with consumers, there’s not only one way through ChatGPT. The possibilities with ChatGPT are endless. Use it not only as a chatbot on your website but also on your social media or emails even. And the easier part, you just need to feed the AI with your previous interactions for it to understand how your tonality varies in each medium. And it doesn’t end there; ChatGPT then can turn customer feedback into usable data and valuable insights based on past interactions. 

  • It Keeps Evolving

ChatGPT is powered by artificial intelligence, which means that it learns and improvises a conversation the way humans do, only to a lower degree. But the catch is that no data is ever wasted on it. It keeps on creating personalized answers to questions and with enough interactions, the answers only become more insightful. 

A Few Ways How You Could Embed ChatGPT in Your Business as Chatbots

  • Streamline Your Customer Service

    The most rewarding aspect of ChatGPT is that it can offer 24/7 support. It can answer questions, place orders or provide needed resources automatically, which frees up your team to cater to more important tasks everyday. It never gets tired so you can be rest assured that all your customers will be greeted with delight and attention no matter when. Hello, improved CS scores!


  • Simplify Company’s Social Media Marketing

    Based on the interactions with your consumers, ChatGPT can handle writing for your company profiles on Twitter, Instagram, and so on. Not only that, it can also schedule posts, reply to customers and analyze engagement data on its own. 

  • Automate Other Marketing Tasks

    ChatGPT takes seconds to write content and you can use it to create tailored marketing messages for certain customers under certain circumstances. For example, it can write emails to your consumers about new offers and send them out without human interaction. All the past interactions in the past with customers can be used here to turbocharge your general communication strategy.


  • Schedule Appointments Internally

    You can also integrate ChatGPT into your internal business chatbots. It can then send out memos/ notices, or make meeting appointments. If you are creative enough, you can also schedule meetings with external parties after enough feeding. 

Why Then Is ChatGPT Not Already a Chatbot Enabler for Most Businesses?

To answer your question, it’s a lot more complex than one might imagine. 

To set things in motion, let’s talk about ChatGPT’s knowledge of your business. Also, as of now, the ChatGPT is only up to date with current affairs until 2021. It might be able to access your website but that’s about it. It doesn’t have any specific or deep knowledge about your business which also might be good for the security of your business. 

Security is a conflicting topic on the subject of the use of AI. We need it to answer our questions but we can’t allow it access to insider information. This can be improved in the future by controlling access to the chatbot and having different slabs for it but as of now, ChatGPT doesn’t have the attribute of access demarcation yet. 

Another way of navigating this problem would be taking the kinks out of the data availability. Businesses can enhance the information database by manually creating ‘prompts’ based on their existing content. It could involve a copious amount of manual work, but it’s worth giving a shot. They could also feed enough context and content to ChatGPT that it can use to answer questions. For example: if someone were to ask questions about the policies of the company, the sales manager could take over once the ChatGPT has established a conversation with them. 

This raises another stink against the use of ChatGPT. Even after you feed content to the ChatGPT, you cannot decide the flow of answers by it. You can at most guess the answers it might give but the generative system continues evolving and learning and in cases where your need to control may be higher, it might not come through your expectations. ChatGPT might be a great platform to get answers on popular themes but as information becomes more esoteric, even more specific as a spokesperson for Business XYZ, it might not succeed with only flying colors, as a few might sink your overall customer service. 

To sum it all up, here’s a list of deliberations you should give in before you consider handing over your customer service to the ChatGPT: 

  • Content Formats: GPT cannot handle or generate any specified text. If your response format is in any other form than text like images, screenshots, gifs, or emojis, GPT is the wrong answer. For now.
  • Privacy: As mentioned earlier, ChatGPT is designed to answer questions with as much accuracy as possible based on the data fed to the AI tool. So you want to be careful about what kind of company data you feed to the system.
  • Limitations in Content: Only a limited amount of content is sent to every answer through ChatGPT. So if your business is of the kind where things move fast, it might be able to give real-time answers.
  • Analytics: For the time being, there’s no way to measure the accuracy of ChatGPT as your business chatbot aside from first base surveys of the questioners. You can’t gauge what is being asked and how the conversations are playing out between the tool and your potential/ existing consumers. 

With the above being said, let’s not forget that solutions are possible. As the ways to work around the hurdles evolve, so will the AI. We are only at the starting line and already, the possibilities seem endless. With the pace it learns, worldwide experts are already predicting that it will only become more accurate and efficient in the coming days. 

In the meantime, there are a few who believe that the AI tool is biased right now. But we are hoping that the tool will gain more objectivity as new modifications are made. 


When a new technological advancement knocks at the door, the ideal way to go about it is to be receptive to it. So this is the ideal time to go learn about it, rather than experience it for yourself. Just don’t ask questions, tell if what it is that you exactly want to know in specific detail. Get creative with your prompts and find ways to work around its aforesaid limitations.

Although human creativity, curiosity, and resourcefulness cannot be replaced, the chat-based AI tool offers you the latitude to free up your people to think more strategically. Leverage that advantage by being aware of the problems that might arise as well. If you try to be prudent enough, you can in fact go farther in the game by embracing the new way the world is going to function in the coming times. 

Your best bet right now is to learn it and leverage it– and to be the very best in your understanding of this new technology, so that when the time is right, you can go out with all your stops.

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