Tips for Building Strong Employer Brand for Tech Hiring (1)

Tech Hiring: Tips for Building a Strong Employer Brand

14 Min Read

Branding and hiring are often considered two separate aspects of a business, with branding focusing on external messaging and hiring is an internal process. However, there’s a surprising connection between the two. Over 86% of job seekers won’t apply for a company with a bad reputation.

Hiring is a two-way process, today. It’s not just the company evaluating the suitability of the job seeker but the candidate too assessing the work environment, culture, and scope for growth in the potential company. Gone are the days of employers exercising their power and dominance over the candidates.

Today’s job market is extremely competitive and the candidates have a wide variety of choices to choose from. No company is above its employees. Hiring and retaining a skilled workforce is foundational to a company’s success. That’s why it’s essential for employers to understand the impact of employer branding.

In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between employer branding and hiring and why it’s important for businesses to pay attention to both.

What Is Employer Branding?

Employer branding refers to the process of creating and promoting a unique image and reputation of the leader of an organization as an employer. It involves developing strategies to communicate an organization’s values, culture, and overall employee experience to attract and retain top talent. In addition, it positions the leadership as a visionary and innovator to inspire talented folks to join the company.

Employer branding aims to differentiate an organization from its competitors in the job market and increase its attractiveness to potential candidates. It includes showcasing the leader’s vision, mission, and goals. It also showcases the company’s mission, values, benefits, career development opportunities, and work-life balance.

By investing in employer branding, organizations can enhance their recruitment efforts, improve employee retention, and ultimately build a strong employer brand that positively impacts the company’s overall reputation and success.

Significance of Employer Branding in Tech Hiring

With the ongoing digital transformation and rapid technological advancements, there is a growing demand for skilled tech professionals. Companies need to attract and retain the best talent to stay competitive in the market. Employer branding is an effective way to achieve this goal.

Tech professionals have many options when it comes to choosing where they want to work. A strong employer brand can make a company stand out and increase its chances of attracting top talent. This is especially important in the tech industry, where competition for talent is intense.

According to the Dice Tech Sentiment Report, 53% of tech professionals are expected to switch their jobs in 2023, up from 44% last year.  Tech professionals are in high demand, and they can easily switch jobs if they are not satisfied with their current employer. However, a strong employer brand creates a positive employee experience, leading to better retention rates.  It can save companies time and money on recruitment and training costs.

Key Factors Job Seekers Consider When Choosing an Employer

When it comes to choosing an employer or company, job seekers consider a variety of factors, including

  • Company Culture: Job seekers want to work for a company that has a positive, inclusive, and engaging culture. They want to work for a company that values its employees and promotes work-life balance.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Everyone wants to be fairly compensated for their work and have access to benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
  • Career Development Opportunities: Job seekers want to work for a company that offers opportunities for professional growth and development. They want to be challenged and have access to training and development programs.
  • Company Reputation: Employees are excited about working for a company that has a positive reputation and is known for treating its employees well.
  • Leadership and Management: Employees typically prefer strong leadership and management. They want to work for leaders who are transparent, communicative, and supportive.

Why Should You Align Your Employer Brand With the Global Talent Pool’s Values?

The world today is a lot more interconnected than it was a decade ago and businesses are no longer limited by local choices. With a growing number of businesses fostering and encouraging remote work culture, it’s easier to access talent from beyond geographical boundaries.

To compete for the best talent, it’s important to appeal to the best talent. By aligning your employer brand with your global talent pool’s values, you are showcasing that your company is open, transparent, and inclusive. It helps you attract candidates from diverse backgrounds.

Defining Your Employer’s Brand

  • Identifying your unique selling points

To define your employer brand, you must first identify your unique selling points. What sets your company apart from other employers? What values, benefits, or opportunities do you offer that make your company an attractive place to work? Once you identify your unique selling points, you can use them to differentiate your employer brand from competitors.

  • Creating an employer value proposition

An employer value proposition (EVP) is a statement that communicates the unique benefits and value that your company offers to employees. It should capture the essence of your employer brand and highlight the key reasons why top talent should choose your company. Your EVP should be compelling, concise, and easy to understand.

  • Crafting a resonating brand story

Your brand story should be a narrative that explains who you are as an employer and what you stand for. It should be authentic, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. To craft a brand story that resonates, consider the values and goals of your ideal candidates. What motivates them? What challenges are they facing? How can your employer brand help them achieve their goals? By understanding your target audience, you can create a brand story that connects with them on a deeper level.

Building Your Online Presence

  • Importance of an engaging career site

Your career site should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provide a clear message about your employer brand. It should also provide detailed information about your company’s mission, values, and culture. When job seekers visit your career site, they should feel inspired and motivated to apply for your open positions.

  • Creating a strong social media presence

When building your employer brand on social media, it’s important to be strategic and intentional about the content you share:

  • Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

Sharing behind-the-scenes content on social media is a great way to give job seekers a glimpse into your company culture. Share photos and videos of your employees working together, celebrating milestones, or participating in team-building activities. This type of content helps job seekers visualize what it would be like to work at your company and can be a powerful recruiting tool.

  • Highlight Employee Stories

Highlighting employee stories on social media is another effective way to showcase your employer’s brand. Share stories about employees who have made a positive impact on your company, or feature interviews with employees talking about their experiences working at your organization. This type of content helps job seekers see the human side of your company and can be a powerful way to attract top talent.

  • Engage in Thought Leadership

Engaging in thought leadership on social media is a great way to position your company as a leader in your industry. Share articles, blog posts, and other content related to your industry, and add your own commentary. This type of content helps establish your company’s expertise and can attract job seekers who are interested in working for a company that is at the forefront of their field.

  • Leveraging review sites and job boards

Encourage your employees to leave positive reviews on sites like Glassdoor and Indeed to showcase your company culture and attract job seekers. You should also leverage job boards like LinkedIn and Monster to reach a wider audience and attract top talent. By using review sites and job boards, you can increase your visibility and attract more qualified candidates.

Employee Advocacy

  • Importance of employee engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to be advocates for your organization. By fostering a culture of engagement, you can create a workforce that is passionate about their work and proud to be a part of your organization. This can be achieved through regular communication, recognition and rewards programs and opportunities for professional development.

  • Encouraging employees to share their experiences on social media

Encouraging your employees to share their experiences on social media is a powerful way to build your employer’s brand. By sharing their positive experiences, employees can become ambassadors for your organization and help attract top talent. To encourage this, provide guidelines and best practices for social media sharing and showcase employee content on your official company channels.

  • Leveraging employee referrals to attract top talent

Your employees are already familiar with your organization and can recommend candidates who are a good fit for your company culture. To encourage employee referrals, offer rewards or incentives for successful referrals, and make the application process easy and transparent.

Delivering a Positive Candidate Experience

  • Importance of a smooth hiring process

Candidates expect clear communication, transparency, and timely updates throughout the process. Make sure your hiring process is clearly defined, and keep candidates informed at each stage of the process.

  • Ensuring prompt communication with candidates

Ensure that you respond promptly to candidates’ inquiries and provide updates on the status of their applications. Even if a candidate is not successful in their application, timely communication can help create a positive impression of your organization.

  • Providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates

Candidates invest time and effort in the application process, and they appreciate feedback that helps them improve their skills and performance. Providing constructive feedback can help create a positive impression of your organization and may encourage candidates to apply for future openings.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Employer Brand

  • Key metrics to track

To measure the effectiveness of your employer brand, you should track key metrics such as the number of job applications, employee turnover rate, and employee satisfaction scores. By tracking these metrics, you can identify areas of strength and weakness in your employer brand and make data-driven decisions to improve your organization’s reputation.

  • Tools for tracking employer brand sentiment

There are several tools available to track employer brand sentiments, such as social media monitoring tools, online review platforms, and employee feedback surveys. These tools can help you understand how your organization is perceived by job seekers and employees and identify areas for improvement.

  • Using feedback to improve your employer’s brand

Encourage employees and job seekers to provide feedback on their experiences with your organization, and use this feedback to identify areas for improvement. Addressing feedback and taking action to improve your employer brand can help you attract and retain top talent.


As the tech industry continues to grow, having a strong employer brand has become more important than ever before. Not only does it help attract top talent, but it also plays a crucial role in creating a positive work environment and improving employee retention rates. 

By leveraging social media, employee advocacy, and delivering a positive candidate experience, you can build a strong employer brand that resonates with your target audience. So go ahead, get creative, and have some fun building a standout employer brand that will take your tech hiring to the next level!

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