A Freelance Recruiter's Handbook for Success with a person sitting on a chair in the clouds,happy

Freelance Recruiter’s Handbook for Success in 2023

12 Min Read
Freelance Recruiter's Handbook for Success in 2023

Before the pandemic, there was a straightforward way of doing things. Finish a degree, get a job, and climb the ladder. But Covid changed everything; it normalized remote work and freelancing.

Slowly, everyone realized there wasn’t one way to work. Freelancing bloomed in 2020, and now the time has come to transform the employment landscape. A report from Upwork says that freelancers contributed 1.3 trillion to the US economy in 2020. 

Many industries went through this transformation, including the recruitment sector. Recruiters found it interesting as they could use their own tech like ATS or CRM and reach out to candidates on job boards. Also, as a freelance recruiter, you can choose your niches, have your strategies, and dictate your path. 

What Does a Freelance Recruiter Do?

A freelance recruiter works with recruitment agencies or companies who are hiring. They use their skills and expertise to find suitable candidates for companies. 

A freelance recruiter has no different duties as compared to an in-office HR. The only difference is that they are not company employees and don’t withdraw a recurring salary. 

However, a freelance recruiter must have a solid portfolio to convince the clients of their skills and abilities. Also, they need a stellar understanding of their client’s hiring needs, expectations, and objectives. 

An excellent freelance recruiter is also empathetic and has good communication skills. They should also have diplomacy and good negotiation skills, as they must adapt to various roles while working with different clients. 

What Task Do Freelance Recruiters Perform?

A freelance recruiter’s job is not confined to finding the right candidate. They do work on some other tasks like:

Pre-Recruitment Suggestions and Advice

Any recruitment agency or company will prefer to consult a freelance recruiter first to see if they are a good match. 

So this will include how to set up job descriptions, which job boards to look for, and pricing. Also, most freelance recruiters perform operational duties too. 

Thus, a freelance recruiter needs to have the necessary technology and knowledge on how to use it, or submitting the desired work will be a problem. 


Finding job applications for a given industry and understanding employment market variations and trends are the main skills of a freelance recruiter. 

As a freelance recruiter, you will also have to plan a sourcing strategy that allows you to start and gives you a roadmap for approaching clients. For example, you can start by putting a word in your network, then shift to the job board and social media.

Also, various freelance recruiters have different policies. For example, some pay for the premium job boards while others make their clients do it. So, you must decide on the policy and be upfront about it in the initial meetings. 

At the same time, establish communication channels with your clients and tell them what technology you will use while communicating with candidates. Most freelance recruiters have their own ATS or CRM tools.

Assessment and Shortlisting

The next task of a freelance recruiter includes sorting the incoming job applications, evaluating them, and shortlisting. They must screen the shortlisted candidate thoroughly and complete a vetting process to ensure they meet the job requirements. 

Also, ensure that your selected candidates don’t change their minds after getting selected, or else you will lose your client’s trust and jeopardize future collaborations. 

Agencies and companies will interview the shortlisted candidates, but a few of them might also ask the freelancer recruiter to be present. So, talk about these things in advance to prepare for them. 

Post Hiring

Usually, the job of the recruiter ends after the candidate is selected. However, a few start-ups might ask you to extend the collaboration and carry out the onboarding process. 

Also, most companies prefer to add a clause where the recruiter will repeat the hiring process if the selected candidate decides to quit in a given time frame. Adding this replacement guarantee clause from your end is a good idea to help establish trust and credibility with your clients. 

How To Get Started As a Freelance Recruiter in 2023?

You can get started once you are clear on what a freelance recruiter does. A few of the things to do are:

Define Your Niche

Even recruiters have niches. For example, a tech recruiter won’t find candidates for marketing and vice versa. 

So, identify the industries you would like to work with as a recruiter. This will clarify the kind of network you will have to build.

Build Your Network

A recruiter is as good as their network. So, spend some time building your network before connecting with potential clients. Visit industry events and connect with candidates.

Also, create a LinkedIn profile, as you can connect with many potential candidates there. A strong network will quickly help you find candidates and fill positions. 

Create a Strategy

Develop a plan for finding candidates. Check premium job boards and their subscription fee. Also, create a strategy to attract candidates. This will help you save time as you will not have to look for people every time.

At the same time, create a strategy to find clients. Connect with potential companies on LinkedIn and other social media platforms too. Also, spend some time creating an online presence, which will help you attract potential clients and candidates. 

Identify Potential Clients

Once you have determined your niche, it becomes easy to source potential clients. Go to job boards and find clients looking for potential recruiters. 

You can even list companies you want to work with and pitch them your services directly via email. 

Determine Your Pricing

Decide your pricing before pitching to clients. It is usually based on your experience, the position you are filling in, and the industry. For example, tech recruiters earn higher than recruiters in the beauty industry. 

Usually, most freelance recruiters charge a percentage of the candidate’s first annual salary. The number is between 15%- 25%. 

You can even charge separately for operational activities and onboarding processes. Some recruiters also prefer to charge a flat fee or a combination of flat fee and percentage. 

Develop a Proposal

You might have to edit the proposal based on the client’s requirements but put together a general proposal that includes your terms and policies. Add payment terms, replacement clauses, and the tenure of the work.

Also, include the scope of work. As mentioned above, ask your client if they want you to be present during interviews and onboarding processes and tweak your policies and prices accordingly.

Gather Testimonials

Once the candidate is onboarded, follow up with the client. Ask them if they are satisfied with the performance and tell them to leave you a testimonial.

Do the same with the candidate and ask them to leave a testimonial. Also, ensure they have a smooth onboarding process. This will help you to earn a reputation and build a solid portfolio to showcase to the next client. 

Checklist to Become a Successful Freelance Recruiter

  • Set up the necessary business licenses
  • Get a custom Gmail domain
  • Sign up for various recruitment platforms
  • Sing up to Sales Navigator’s 30-day trial period and connect with as many people as you can on LinkedIn 
  • Create a draft message to send to clients and candidates
  • Create 5-message sequences- LinkedIn connection request, warm-up email, follow-up email, personalized LinkedIn message, and a sales call
  • Invest in billing software to generate invoices for clients
  • Research and understand the legal compliances of running a business as a freelancer

What To Do To Become A Successful Freelance Recruiter in 2023?

You have to network aggressively if you want to be a successful recruiter. Networking will help you to get clients and find potential candidates. Apart from that, you can:

Staying ahead of the game will help you. For example, know what job boards are trending, which tools are the best, or which platform your potential candidates use. 

Also, stay informed about recruiting trends and developments. You can do this by subscribing to newsletters, attending conferences and workshops, and upskilling through industry certifications.

Incorporate Technology

Technology will help you to streamline your processes and work more efficiently. It will come in handy when you have a lot of clients. For example, having ATS (application tracking system) can help you keep track of resumes and job applications without getting overwhelmed. 

Be Proactive

As a freelance recruiter, finding clients and closing deals is up to you. You might have to be focused on identifying opportunities and continuously going to networking events to find clients. You also have to create your talent pool so you don’t have to look for candidates whenever you get a client. So, screen resumes and continue talking to potential clients regularly. 

Learn Marketing

Being a freelancer is almost like running your business, except you do everything independently. So, learn how to market yourself to potential clients. You can consider creating a website, being active on social media platforms, and making an outbound strategy to reach out directly to potential candidates. 


Being a freelance recruiter gives you more freedom and a better work-life balance. You get the ability to choose projects and clients. You can even work in the industry that excites you the most. 

Another advantage is working from anywhere is possible. You can even source talents globally and help companies find the best match. It is truly a rewarding path, and if you can juggle various hats, then freelance recruitment is definitely for you.

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