Cracking the Technical Interview- 15 Questions Hiring Managers Should Ask

Cracking the Technical Interview- 15 Questions Hiring Managers Should Ask

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Cracking the Technical Interview- 15 Questions Hiring Managers Should Ask

Attention tech industry leaders! Are you ready to take your team to the next level and crush your competition? 

Hiring top talent is difficult, especially when finding skilled software developers and coders. But fear not because we’ve got you covered.

Technical interviews are the backbone of your hiring process and are essential for evaluating a candidate’s technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and other critical qualities. 

However, we know that coming up with the right questions can be daunting. So we’ve created a list of 15 killer questions that will help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

These questions give you a better understanding of the candidate’s technical prowess, and they’ll also give you insights into their communication abilities, experience, and problem-solving skills. 

By incorporating these questions into your interview process, you’ll be on your way to hiring a dream team of skilled software developers and coders.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start and find the best candidate to take your business to the next level!

The Cost of Inappropriate Questions: 5 Ways It Can Sabotage Your Tech Hiring Process

Asking appropriate questions during a technical interview is crucial for hiring managers in the tech industry. Failure to do so can lead to several negative consequences, including hiring unskilled candidates, missing out on essential qualities, wasting time and resources, decreased team productivity, and missed opportunities. 

As such, it is vital for hiring managers to ask the correct questions and thoroughly evaluate candidates during the technical interview process to ensure they hire the best talent for their organization. 

Read further to understand how it can lead to several negative consequences, including the following:

  • Hiring Unskilled Candidates 

If you fail to ask the right technical questions, you might end up hiring unskilled candidates. Technical knowledge is fundamental to success in the tech industry, and hiring someone without the required skills can lead to inefficient and low-quality work. This, in turn, can harm the organization’s success and reputation.

  • Missing Out on Essential Qualities

Technical knowledge is not the only thing that matters for a candidate. A lack of appropriate questions can result in hiring managers missing out on evaluating the candidate’s problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and other essential qualities crucial for success in the tech industry. 

For example, a candidate may have excellent technical knowledge but lack communication skills. This can lead to difficulties in collaborating with others and communicating effectively with clients.

  • Wasting Time and Resources 

Hiring managers may waste valuable time and resources interviewing candidates not a good fit for the role if the right questions are not asked. In addition, it can be frustrating for both the hiring manager and the candidate, leading to delays in filling the role.

  • Decreased Team Productivity

Hiring the wrong candidate can lead to decreased team productivity and morale. Conversely, a candidate who lacks the necessary skills or qualities can slow down team progress, decrease team morale, and ultimately harm the organization’s success.

  • Missed Opportunities 

Hiring managers may miss out on recruiting top talent if they do not ask the right questions during a technical interview. This can result in missed opportunities and losing the chance to bring exceptional talent into the organization. In a highly competitive industry, missing out on top talent can have significant consequences.

15 Questions to Help You Level Up Your Interviewing Game and Hire Top-Notch Candidates

  • Can you explain the architecture of the last project you worked on?

This question is an excellent way to gauge a candidate’s technical knowledge and experience. It will also help you understand how they approach problem-solving and how well they can communicate complex technical concepts.

  • Have you worked with any specific programming languages or frameworks that you are influential in?

This question will help you to identify the candidate’s specific skill set and whether it aligns with the technologies your organization uses. You can also ask follow-up questions to see how much experience they have with those languages or frameworks.

  • Can you walk me through how you would approach solving a complex technical problem?

This question will give insight into the candidate’s problem-solving skills and thought process. It will also help you determine whether they have experience with the specific types of problems your organization may encounter.

This question will help you understand whether the candidate is proactive about learning and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in their field. It will also give you a fair idea of how they may contribute to your organization’s growth and innovation.

  • Can you give an example of a project where you had to work collaboratively with a team?

Collaboration is an essential aspect of any technical project, and this question will help you determine whether the candidate has experience working in a team environment. It will also help you understand how they communicate with others and whether they have experience with agile methodologies.

  • Can you walk me through the development lifecycle of a project you’ve worked on?

This question will help you to know the candidate’s understanding of the software development lifecycle and how they approach each stage of the process. It will also help you determine how they work with stakeholders, including project managers, clients, and developers.

  • Please give an example of how you’ve used data to drive decision-making in a project

Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in many industries, including technology. This question will help you determine if the candidate has experience working with data and whether they can use it effectively to inform decisions.

  • Have you ever worked on a project that involved machine learning or artificial intelligence?

Machine learning and AI are growing areas of interest in the tech industry, and this question will help you determine whether the candidate has experience in these fields. It will also help you identify whether they have experience with these fields’ specific tools and technologies.

  • Can you walk me through a technical challenge you faced in a project and how you overcame it?

This question will help you understand how the candidate approaches and overcomes technical challenges. It will also help you to understand how they think on their feet and handle difficult situations.

  • Have you ever taken a project from ideation to launch?

This question will help you determine whether the candidate has experience working on projects from start to finish. It will also give you insight into their project management skills and whether they can take ownership of a project.

  • How do you handle conflicts or disagreements with team members or stakeholders?

This question will help you understand how the candidate handles conflict and how they communicate with others. It will also give you a rough idea of how they may handle difficult situations in the workplace.

  • Can you give an example of how you work under pressure to meet a deadline?

This question will help you understand how the candidate handles pressure and whether they can deliver quality work within a tight timeframe. It will also give you insight into their time-management and prioritization skills.

  • In your projects, how do you approach testing and quality assurance?

Quality assurance is critical in software development, and this question will help you to understand how the candidate approaches testing and ensures that their work meets the necessary standards. It will also give you insight into their attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work.

  • Please give an example of how you’ve incorporated user feedback into a project.

User feedback is essential in software development, and this question will help you determine whether the candidate has experience working with users and incorporating their input into their work. It will also give you insight into their ability to empathize with users and deliver solutions that meet their needs.

  • How do you approach learning new technologies or languages?

This question will help you understand how the candidate approaches learning new skills and whether they are open to expanding their skillset. It will also give you insight into their commitment to ongoing professional development.


In conclusion, hiring top talent in the technical space requires asking the right questions during the interview process. The 15 questions outlined in this article will help you gauge a candidate’s technical knowledge and experience, problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and other essential qualities. 

Using these questions in your interview process, you can identify the best candidate for the job and build a strong team of skilled software developers and coders. Remember, hiring the right talent is essential to the success of any organization, and by asking the right things, you can make sure that you hire the best.

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