Diversity Tech Hiring: Do’s and Don’ts You Must Know

Diversity Tech Hiring: Do’s and Don’ts You Must Know

10 Min Read

The need for a more diverse workforce becomes increasingly apparent as the tech industry grows. While some progress has been made recently, there is still a long way to go. One way to gauge the current state of diversity in the tech industry is to look at the numbers. 

According to Tech Nation, nearly 9% of the UK workforce, or 3 million people, are employed in the UK tech industry. Just 26% of 3 million people in the tech workforce are women. Although the number has been slowly increasing, it is still far from equal. Similarly, minorities are also underrepresented in the tech industry. African Americans make up just 5% of the workforce, and Hispanics make up 7%.

What does diversity recruiting mean? 

Diversity recruiting is the process of actively finding and recruiting employees from diverse backgrounds and experiences. It makes sense that businesses should strive to create a more diverse workplace. In the IT industry, the representation of ethnic minorities is assessed at 19%, indicating that the industry’s balance is shifting to be more diverse. Additionally, the number has increased by 3% from 2015, when BAME (Black, Asian, Mixed ethnicity) representation was only 16%. 


  • Use existing measures of diversity to set achievable goals

To create an inclusive workplace, it’s essential first to understand the current state of diversity within your company. Tech companies can start by measuring the percentage of employees from underrepresented groups, the number of women in leadership positions, and the average pay gap between men and women.

Once you have a good understanding of where your company stands, you can then set achievable goals for increasing diversity. You might have to implement new hiring practices, offer training and development programs, and increase outreach to underrepresented groups.

  • Reduce unconscious bias around diversity with screening tests

By using screening tests, companies can ensure that they’re hiring the best candidates, regardless of their background. It’s an important step in increasing diversity in the tech industry. By using screening tests, companies can identify qualified candidates irrespective of race, gender, or other factors. 

It leads to a more diverse pool of candidates and, ultimately, a more diverse workforce. Several screening tests are available, and companies should choose the one that best fits their needs. However, these tests can be valuable tools in the fight against unconscious bias.

  • Ensure that your shortlist includes diverse candidates

When hiring for a tech role, it’s essential to make sure you’re considering a diverse pool of candidates. This means looking beyond the traditional places you might typically look for recruits. There are numerous reasons why having diverse perspectives on your team is important. For one, it can help you avoid blind spots in your decision-making. It can also help you better understand and serve your customer base. Of course, making sure you’re considering qualified candidates is also important. But if you’re only looking in the usual places, you may miss out on some great talent.

Your job descriptions should welcome everyone, not just those who fit a certain profile. Be conscious of your language and ensure it includes all potential candidates. Including people from different backgrounds and perspectives on your panel will help you get a more well-rounded view of each candidate. Double-check your shortlist to ensure you’re considering a diverse group of candidates. Look at various backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets.

  • Discuss diversity and inclusion policies openly with candidates

One way to support diversity is to be more open about diversity policies with candidates. Companies should be upfront about how they will support diversity and inclusion and what they expect from employees regarding their commitment to diversity.

Discussing such policies can be a difficult conversation to have, but it’s an important one. Being open and honest about your diversity policies can help candidates understand your commitment to creating a more inclusive environment. And you may just find that you attract a more diverse pool of candidates.

  • Boost your diversity efforts with mentorship programs

As companies strive to increase diversity in the tech industry, mentorship programs can be a key tool to help them achieve their goals. Mentorship programs can provide access to underrepresented groups who may not have the same opportunities to enter the tech industry. They can also help tech companies foster a more inclusive culture and provide mentees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

A study by Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations has shown that mentorship programs can lead to a 15% to 38% increase in promotion and retention rates for women and underrepresented groups compared with experiences of non-mentored employees.

There are several ways to set up a mentorship program, and each has its advantages. For example, some programs pair mentors and mentees based on their skill sets, while others focus on matching mentees with mentors from similar backgrounds.

No matter your approach, mentorship programs can be a powerful tool for increasing diversity in the tech industry. If you want to boost your diversity efforts, consider starting a mentorship program at your company.


It’s no secret that the tech and IT industry has a diversity problem. While there have been initiatives to address this issue, the results have been disappointing. Here are a couple of things to avoid:

  • Focus only on race and gender in diversity recruiting

Companies have tried to improve diversity in their workforce by focusing on race and gender when recruiting. However, focusing on hiring based on race and gender has been ineffective.

A better way to approach it is to focus on a broader range of factors, including socio-economic status, education, and work experience.

By taking a more holistic approach to it, companies will be more likely to find qualified candidates that reflect the diversity of our world.

  • Neglect diversity training in your recruiting team

As a recruiting team, it’s important to keep diversity in mind when sourcing and vetting candidates. Businesses must consider a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

One way to do this is to ensure your team has undergone diversity training, helping them understand the importance of diversity and how to best source and evaluate candidates.

Diversity training can benefit teams of all sizes and should be a crucial part of your recruiting strategy. Ensuring your team is trained on diversity can help create a more inclusive environment for candidates and employees.

  • Ignore diversity in your employer branding strategy

When it comes to employer branding, diversity should be front and center.

It’s no secret that a more diverse workforce is linked to better business outcomes. Companies with diverse teams are more innovative and better able to serve a diverse customer base.

Yet, despite the clear business case for diversity, many employer branding strategies ignore it altogether.

This is a mistake.

Employer branding is all about attracting top talent. Top talent comes from all backgrounds. By ignoring diversity in your employer branding strategy, you’re missing out on attracting some of the best and brightest.

Moreover, a lack of diversity in your employer branding can be a turn-off for potential candidates. Today’s job seekers are looking for employers who value diversity and inclusion.

So, if you want to attract the best talent and stand out from the competition, ensure diversity is front and center in your employer branding strategy.

  • Focus your diversity efforts only on the recruitment process

We often discuss the importance of diversity in the workplace, but it’s not just something that should be considered during recruitment. It should be an integral part of your workplace culture, which means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued.

It’s not enough to recruit a more diverse workforce—we need to create workplaces where everyone can thrive. That means promoting inclusivity and respect for all and valuing each person’s unique perspectives and experiences.


When we create workplace cultures that embrace diversity, we make it possible for everyone to reach their full potential. We also set ourselves up for success in today’s increasingly global and interconnected world. So let’s commit to doing more than just recruiting diverse talent—let’s create workplaces where everyone can feel like they belong. This is exactly what we strive to maintain at Workfall

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